Every year our residents come together to help support Ozarks Food Harvest and their fight against hunger. Our annual food drive is powered by our residents and employees all over Springfield, Branson and Republic. Since 2011, we have raised 5,905 lbs. of food. That amount provides 4,921 meals! That is more than 3 meals a day for the past 4 years that we have been able to provide with your help. We know times get tough for everyone and we hope this year that our residents are able to help us power our best food drive yet. Thank you for all the support in the past.
Most needed items now include:
Tuna, salmon and other canned meat
Peanut Butter
Beans, soups and stews
Boxed meals, rice and pasta
Canned vegetables and fruits
Your donations will help serve 260,000 individuals across 28 counties.
All of our offices at each of our communities are a drop off site for non-perishable donations from now through December 15, 2016. Thank you in advance for your support.
Check out ozarksfoodharvest.org for more details on our local food bank.